Monday, June 6, 2011

Number Six and Eight: The Complete Sherlock Holmes Volume One and Two

Sherlock Holmes, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is undoubtedly one of the most renown characters in fiction.  In each of these four novels and fifty-six short stories, we learn a little more about this astounding character.  I thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful journey through Holmes various cases as the reader discovers the secrets of his amazing logic together with his astounding morality.
Holmes is the very picture of logic.  He is able, throughout each of these stories, to completely read situations and people with mere observation.  While his incredible memory and thorough education in nearly every subject are priceless in his investigation, his instinct is by far his most valuable tool.  Holmes can, quite literally in many cases, determine much of the life history of someone through a mere glance at them.  He really is amazing at investigating, but his nobility and morality are equally as important to Holmes character.  Holmes is not a police officer and he does not behave like one.  On more than one occasion throughout these stories, Holmes actually let the guilty party escape because he decided that their crimes were justified.  Holmes works for free for people who are unable to pay.  Holmes's supposed death at the end of The Adventure of the Final Problem came as he refused to give up his case against a vicious murderer even at the cost of his own life.
There can be no question whatever about the inspirational qualities of Holmes's character in these stories.  I would highly recommend this collections to anyone of any age group.  They are exciting, easy to read, and they have wonderful morals.  My only warning would be against reading all of them very quickly as I did.  There are just so many stories and each of them is so wonderful that it is a shame to read through them very quickly.  Also, if they are read too quickly then they do become slightly repetitive by the end.  Either way, they are simply wonderful stories.

Hoping that everyone will get out there and read these ones,

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